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Lost and Found|Kaohsiung Metro

Passenger Service

Lost and Found

Lost and Found Center Information

Service Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 12:00 ~ 20:00 (in case of national holidays, announcement by Kaohsiung City Government to issue no school / work day due to natural disasters, it will be shut down temporarily).

Telephone: (07)793-9666 Extension 25185

Facsimile: (07)236-8046

Location: Near Entrance/Exit No. 4 of Formosa Boulevard Station

Lost Item: If you lost an item within the Kaohsiung Metro, please go to the station service desk or the Lost and Found Processing Center to fill out the “Search for Lost Property Application Form” or contact the Lost and Found Center for assistance by phoning.

Found Item: If you found an item within the Kaohsiung Metro, you can pass the item on to the station personnel for further action. The personnel will ask you to fill out “Registration of Lost Property Form” and provide you with a slip of proof.

Lost and found property claiming notice:

A valid identification document (ID card, driver’s license, healthy insurance card or passport) has to be presented while claiming lost and found property.  An agent need  to present both her/his own ID document and the owner’s ID document, and sign the declaration for claiming the lost property.