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Movement of Spirits|Kaohsiung Metro

O7Cultural Center Station

Movement of Spirits

The artist takes depictions of the traditional Eight Immortals as his creative starting point. In Taiwanese folk customs, the Eight Immortals is a diverse and auspicious group to be celebrated. Their many characteristics are taken to represent all levels of society and they have long been a popular favorite, which is why their images are often hung over the lintel of doors when buildings are finished or at wedding ceremonies. The main characters in the pictures are innocent children full of energy, who like the Earth Spirit bring us joy and sweet surprises. Riding on the backs of eight symbolic animals from land and sea, holding traditional Nankuan and western musical instruments, these images represent exchange between eastern and western cultures. The Eight Immortals were originally ordinary people who worked tirelessly before achieving deity and as such they are the perfect model for people in today’s world, teaching us all that only through hard work and dedication can our dreams come true.
  • Artist: Lee Yi-Hsun
  • Dimensions: 1680L x 170W cm
  • Materials: Inlaid mosaic, metal frame
  • Year: 2009