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1.2. 3. 4 Again I . I I|Kaohsiung Metro

O9Martial Arts Stadium Station -室內Indoor

1.2. 3. 4 Again I . I I

The formal meaning of mixed media - “I see, therefore I am”This piece seeks to make viewers part of the work. The repetition, reproduction and lateral arrangement of several segments records the existence different moments of times as part of a single action. Even where behavior is repeated, the uniqueness of time taken up is taken over by “form.” Given virtual form the existence of living behavior is constantly subjectively reconstructed by the audience (viewers) as something between reality and virtuality. With this creative approach rather than say my personal creative world is an “aesthetic form” I am more inclined to think of it as rooted in the spirit of artistic identity.
  • Artist: Wang Kuo-Yi
  • Dimensions: 1680L x 170W cm
  • Materials: Painted metal panel, laser cut metal shapes, LED l
  • Year: 2009